Spoked app

Have you had a coach before or even followed a training template before? What did you think? A coach is great, but can be quite expensive while a template is cheap but not very personalised.
At Spoked, our goal is to deliver to you the best of both worlds – personalised training that doesn’t break the bank.
Our focus is to make it simple to train smarter – which means no more second guessing are you doing the right thing, you’re in control of when you want to train and lastly leveling up on the bike.
With these values, we’re super proud to join the AllBlack Cycling Club family to help you become just a little bit better on the bike. Because we can help you improve 1 watt, it all compounds from there.
So who is Spoked for? It’s for people who ride consistently week in / week out and are curious about their riding.
How can you get started? It’s simple, you can download Spoked today from Apple or Google stores. Please use the code allblackcc to take advantage of a 21 day free trial when you register a new account.
If you have any questions/feedback, please reach out to me at rich@spoked.ai
P.S Not sure what’s the difference between Zwift and Spoked, check out this comparison – read here.

P.P.S Want to check out the science behind the algorithms, we’ve detailed how Spoked works .


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